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A quality service, offering the best guarantees of safety, implies RESPECT FOR CURRENT SOCIAL REGULATIONS. Extract from the various texts governing the transport of people by road: In accordance with the decree of July 23, 1992, and in application of the new penal code, your responsibility as a principal is engaged. We therefore ask you to ensure that your travel schedule complies with the rules governing driving and rest periods for the driver(s): With one driver, continuous driving time of 4h30, after which the driver must stop for 45mn (or 15mn then 30mn). 4h + 45mn stop, between 9pm and 6am. Max. driving time 9 hours per 24-hour period, max. amplitude 12h. Min. uninterrupted rest 11 hours per 24-hour period. For stays of more than 12 days, allow for one rest day every 6 days and a maximum of 90 hours’ driving per 14-day period.


implies full acceptance of these terms and conditions, as well as of the agreed price.

Our prices do not include entrance fees to sites, tolls, parking, meals, hotel nights or any other incidental expenses. (excluding packages)


II.1 Confirmation of the order will be made by the return of the quotation, signed and dated, within the requested deadline. For all orders, a deposit may be paid. Any increase in the number of kilometers will be invoiced according to current rates. Any hour started is due in full. II.2 Any modification of the initial order must be made in writing. II.3 The carrier reserves the right to subcontract the performance of the defined services. In this case, the carrier undertakes to respect the full responsibility of the obligations mentioned in the contract towards the customer. before the contract is executed, subject to availability.


III.1 Our prices are deemed to include all taxes. III.2 The price of transport is fixed by the quotation given to the customer and established on the basis of the tariff in force at the time the quotation is given. The price of transport may be revised in the event of changes in the economic circumstances of transport. Our company will not bear any costs in the event of delays at a station, airport or other meeting point. We are in no way responsible for delays to flights, trains or any other delays, and no claims can be made. III.3 Invoices are payable on receipt in cash and without discount. III.4 In the event of modifications to the itinerary and its duration due to the customer, the driver will note them on his route sheet and have them signed by the customer. Under no circumstances will a reduction be granted if these modifications lead to a reduction in kilometers or time. Any increase in the number of kilometers will be invoiced according to the rates in force. III.5 Any damage to the vehicle caused by passengers will be invoiced for the cost of replacement or repair. III.6 Quotations are based on the pump price of diesel fuel as published by the CNR (Comité National Routier) on the date of issue. In the event of a significant increase, we may be required to index our rates on these bases.


IV.1 The carrier is responsible for ensuring that the organization of the trip complies with the various regulations (traffic, highway code, working hours, driving and rest times, amplitude, etc.). Customers and passengers are required not to give any written or verbal instructions likely to lead to infringements, failing which they will be held civilly and criminally liable. IV.2 The carrier is liable to third parties, including passengers, for bodily injury or damage to property insofar as French law makes it liable for such damage within the scope of the contract of carriage and within the contractually agreed limits. IV.3 The carrier’s liability covers bodily injury caused to passengers from the moment they board the vehicle until they disembark. Seatbelts must be worn both in the front and rear of the vehicle. Our drivers are true professionals, and as their responsibility is engaged, they are instructed to respect and ensure respect for the laws in force. Our company reserves the right to stop any service immediately if the customer behaves in a way that endangers the safety of the driver, the vehicle or other road users. The service will then be invoiced in full to the customer. The volume of luggage transported is proportional to the capacity of the vehicle. Luggage remains the responsibility of the persons transported throughout the service. In the event of loss or theft, our company is in no way responsible.


V.1 All claims must be made in writing with acknowledgement of receipt, within 8 days of receipt of our invoice. After this date, no claim or dispute can be made. The service begins at the place where the vehicle is parked, on the day and at the time specified in the contract previously drawn up between the parties. It ends on the day and at the time the vehicle returns to its place of departure. If the customer is late, the driver will wait 15 minutes at the pick-up location. After this time, the service is cancelled. The customer will be billed for the service and no refund will be given. Our vehicles are insured by our insurer for the transport of people and our passengers for all bodily injuries. This insurance also covers professional civil liability, in accordance with current French regulations, in application of article L. 3120-4 of the French Transport Code. The client is free to take out additional insurance at his or her own expense, covering cancellation costs, repatriation costs or transported luggage.


We reserve the right to demand payment guarantees for our invoices at any time. Failure to pay an amount due on the due date shall render all our claims, even those not yet due, immediately payable.


The customer is responsible, except in cases of force majeure, for the cancellation of transport. In this case, the compensation due to the carrier is equal to: fees withheld according to the cancellation dates from 90 days to 60 working days before the start of the service 50.00%, less than 60 days before departure 100.00%.


In the event of non-payment of a due date on the agreed date, as well as in the event of non-compliance with one of the obligations stipulated in the present general terms and conditions of sale, the contract will be rescinded, ipso jure and without any formality other than a simple formal notice sent to the customer and remaining unsuccessful in whole or in part for more than 15 calendar days. Any deposits paid shall be retained by us as a first claim for damages, without prejudice to any other claims.

PERSONAL DATA, NORESTA undertakes to respect the privacy of its customers and the confidentiality of personal data collected on its website in accordance with the French Data Protection Act n°78-17 of January 6, 1978. As such, NORESTA undertakes not to divulge to third parties the information communicated by the customer on its website and to use it only for the processing of the reservation. The customer may exercise a right of access to his file and a right of rectification or deletion of information concerning him by sending his request to NORESTA.

THE PHOTOGRAPHS ILLUSTRATING THE SITE ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF NORESTA, any unauthorized copy will result in prosecution.